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Research Committee

The research committee is composed of clinicians with an interest in research areas that encompass most of the subspecialties such as pediatrics, head & neck, reconstructive surgery, laryngology, neuro-otology, sleep apnea and sinus surgery. Some have interests in additional areas such as research in education or developing world health-related issues.

The main objectives of the research committee are the following:


To conduct international collaborative research projects: we hope to encourage international collaboration between YO with projects such as reviews, meta-analyses or multi-center original studies as advocated by the International Research Collaboration in Surgery (IRIS) ad-hoc working group. We encourage the participation of residents/registrars in these projects to offer them the opportunity to establish ties early in their careers with the international Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery community.


To offer consulting expertise in research for YO: we plan to develop a research network beyond the borders of our committee to offer a full array of expertise for young surgeons in need of advice to conduct and publish research projects.


To encourage research efforts from YO.  from the start we planned on collaborating with a PubMed-indexed journal to favour publications from YO. Through the IFOS we were able to establish ties with the European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology - Head & Neck Diseases. The present special YO-IFOS edition of the journal is a testimony to the achievement of this objective. Publishing an issue dedicated to highlighting the accomplishments of this underrepresented demographic of our community is a generous initiative and a demonstration of the significant commitment this journal has made to fostering the careers of young surgeons. To encourage research from YO, we will also collaborate with the congress organization committee to promote the active participation of young physicians to the upcoming IFOS meeting in Vancouver, Canada in 2021.

YO-IFOS is a unique organization and it is of foremost importance to assess its impact. Other young physicians’/surgeons’ associations have been created in the past in many specialties; some of them are currently active on social media and have their own websites. Assessment of their achievements and shortcomings are not reported in the literature. The research committee will monitor, document and publish the effects of the creation of YO-IFOS. We hope this will encourage the creation of other international young physicians’ organizations who could benefit from our experience. Also, self-assessment will allow identification of areas of underperformance and potentially help to attain our objectives as a new scientific society.

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